AIYF Constitution


Functions of the Conference of State Units

State conference shall : A. Review the work report and organisational report submitted by the state council, or by the State Executive Committee.
B. Finalise the policies and programmes and campaigns for the future work in the state.
C. Elect delegates to the National Conference.
D. Elect the state council


The State Council

1. The number of state council shall be decided by the state conference, but in any case it should not exceed 101.
2. The state council has the right to take decisions with full authority on any issue concerning the state but in confirmity with the policies and programme of the National Conference and General Council.
3. The state council shall elect a state executive committee of not more than 35 members.
4. The state council shall meet at least twice in a year.


Executive Committee of State Unit

(i) The state Executive Committee shall meet at least once in 3 months.
(ii) It shall elect the President, not more than 3 Vice-President, one Secretary and not more than three Joint Secretaries.
(iii) It shall carry on the work between two sessions of the council and has the right to take decision on any issue. It shall be responsible for the implementation of the decisions and directions of the council and the conference.
(iv) The state Executive Committee shall guide and help the district and other units.


The State Secretariat

(1) The power the function of the secretariat in the state shall be on the pattern of the secretariat of AIYF as defined in Article XV
(2) The powers and functions of the office bearers also shall be on the pattern of the office bearers of the AIYF as defined in Article XVI


A. District Conference

(1) The highest organ of the district unit shall be the District Conference, which shall ordinarily be convened every year.
(2) The functions and composition of district conference or special conference shall be similar to that of state conferences and special conferences.
(3) The structure of the district organisation shall ordinarily be two tier with District Council and District Executive Committee. In exceptional circumstances the District Conference may decide to have council only, without even district executive committee.

B. The conference shall

(1) Discuss and decide on the report submitted by the council or by the District Executive Committee on the past work, future programme and other problems.
(2) Shall elect a district council whose number will be decided by the conference which shall not exceed 51.
(3) Shall elect delegates to the state conference.


District Councils

(1) In between two conferences, the district council is the highest organ which takes decisions on all issues concerning the district, on the campaigns and movements to be carried on, but in conformity with the policy, programme and guidance of the higher organs.
(2) It shall elect a District Executive Committee whose number is decided by the council, but shall not exceed 21.
(3) It will meet as frequently as the council decides.


District Executive Committee

(1) The district executive committee shall elect the President, not more than 2 Vice-Presidents, one Secretary and not more than 2 Joint Secretaries.
(2) It shall take decisions on all issues between two council meetings or between two conferences in the absence of the council.
(3) It shall be responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the conference and council.
(4) It shall guide and help the units at lower levels.
(5) The functions of the office bearers in the district shall be in the same pattern as that of the office bearers of the state units.


Taluk or Sub divisional Committee

1. The powers of the conference at this level, the composition of it, the structure of the committee and the responsibilities of the office bearers shall be the same as in the pattern of the district council and the District Executive Committee.
2. These committees shall have the direct responsibility for ensuring the expansion of the organisation.
3. The Taluk or sub-divisional conference shall elect delegates to the District Conference.


Local or Primary Unit

1. The local or primary unit of the AIYF shall be organised in an area or an institution.
2. The highest organ of this unit shall be its general body meeting which should be convened as frequently as possible.
3. This unit shall be responsible for maintaining direct day-to-day contact with the masses and for organising mass activities
4. The functions of this unit are :
(a) to carry out the decisions of the higher organs.
(b) to win masses of youth in its sphere of activity for political and organisational decisions.
(c) to build up the organisation in its locality and to activise it by taking up day-to-day programmes.
(d) sale of literature and publications and efforts to educate the youth in the progrmme and policies of AIYF.
(e) to renew the membership and to enrol new members from the youth of the locality.
(f) to organise multifarious activities so as to attract more youth towards the organisation and to educate them.
(g) to help higher organs in day to day organisational and agitational work.
(h) to take up maximum number of practical activities as mentioned in Article V of the constitution and win the confidence of the youth of the area of its work as the most active and dynamic organisation with a higher sense of purpose and dedication.
5. The conference of the unit shall be held annually and it should elect a compact committee, the size of which should be decided by the activities and needs of the unit, with the President, one Secretary and one Joint Secretary as office bearers.
6. A minimum of 10 members shall be necessary to form a primary or local unit. If the membership in a primary or local units exceeds 100 it may form another unit.
7. The primary or local unit shall elect delegates for the Taluk or Sub divisional Conference.



1. The quorum of the National Conference, General Council and National Working Committee shall be one-fourth, one third, and one-third of their members respectively. Similar quorum is required for the respective committees in the states, districts and taluks or subdivisions.
In the case of primary units the quorum for their conference and committee shall be 50% of their membership.
2. Any member of the councils and the committees mentioned in Clause I of this Article who does not attend three consequtive meetings of these bodies without sufficient cause and prior notice for leave shall cease to exist as a member of the said bodies.



All the decisions in the National conference, General Council, National Working Committee and the Secretariat of the AIYF, and also of the respective committees in the state, district, taluk or subdivision and primary unit shall be taken by a majority of the members present.



(a) The General Council may, by a majority of three-fourth of the members present and also with a majority of the total members in the General Council make any addition or changes in the Constitution subject to ratification at the next National Conference by a majority of three-fourth.
(b) Any member who wants to move an amendment to the constitution shall give 90 days notice in advance to the General Secretary and the General Secretary or the Secretary acting on his behalf shall circulate the same to the members of the National Working Committee within a month after the receipt of such amendments.



The state councils of the AIYF shall have the right to frame the rules for the smooth and effective functioning of the respective state units, not inconsistent with this constitution.